Friday, January 6, 2012


One thing that is annoying is that people from the same team, my team, even though we sit in the same pod, we talk to each other thru instant communicator. Seriously, all we have to do is call the other person’s name! The problem is that person sometimes is listening to loud music and can’t hear us calling them, so often we look like idiots calling people who can’t hear. "Ryan... Ryan? RYAN!!!!" And then there's laughter. The person who sits next to the summoned one often touches that person's arm, that person being called take off the huge headphones, and says "what?". Seriously? Headphones? Where are we? At an airplane, that one needs to cut out all the loud noise? No. We are at an office that often sounds like a library. Very quiet. Nobody needs a Bose headphone. Small ones that fit inside the ear will do.

Competition LOFT
Zaki explains too much, including what you didn't ask, or "another way of doing" something. Mike didn't show up much. Steven is hyper.

Beer Time

There's a woman in my office who has a distinct smell. Maybe it's her hair. When I go in the bathroom I can tell when she has been there. "Hum, that smell again. She came in right before me". You know that little breeze that goes by when someone walks by you in the opposite direction? Yes, that smell again! I turn my head in the opposite direction and "disfarcadamente" cover my nose with the top side of my hands while making a disgusted face. Sometimes I even stop breathing. The thing is, we seem to always be on the same "pee" schedule or the "filling up the glass of water" schedule. She always appears out of nowhere! "I can't believe! That girl again!" I think to myself everytime I see her. We always meet around the office.
I can't imagine sitting next to that girl. I would never be able to work. Would I need to wear extra perfume to cover up her lack of? Maybe Victoria's Secret would save me this time.

The boys talking about girls in the communicator.

The girl who gets into other people's conversation.

When we moved to the new office (describe the old office) people complained that we lost space to work. I didn't care that much. At AGRAR I had even less space. and worked fine.

Compare with agrar. people smoked pot at the balcony once.

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